Streghe Italia - Sala Stampa

La stampa americana parla di "Streghe"...

Shannen Doherty
Celebrity Closet Case

Copyright Dicembre 1999 Vogue Magazine

L'affascinante star di "Streghe" parla con Deda Coben su moda e abiti per l'anno 2000.

RISKY BUSINESS: These days, my look is gypsy-chic, bordering on tacky - a crazy version of my mother's neo-hippie style when I was growing up. I used to play it safe, because I was so petrified I would end up on the worst-dressed list. Now I'm going for it!

SEXY VS. CLASSIC: There are moments that I really enjoy playing up my sexuality. I have this favorite dress by D & G; I call it the sexy Italian housedress. It's got daisies on it and wraps around your body with a deep V-neck. Sometimes I wear it to the market just so I can feel really great.

GO FIGURE: My body has filled out a bit lately. I have hips now, and I love it! I feel more like a woman. I mean, even if I'm wearing jeans--and they are always Earl Jeans--cuff them and throw on some heels.

CHARMED, I'M SURE: On Charmed, I play Prue, a kind of conservative girl. I work in an auction house. Quite stodgy. I usually wear suits--but always with high heels, thank God! But I must admit, when you're vanquishing demons the high-heel thing can get in the way. Believe me, I have taken some spills!

LONGING FOR: If I could spend the money, I would buy the big-mama Hermes Kelly bag. Not the little one - I treated myself to that a while back. No, I mean the big one. I think it costs something like $10,000! If I was the female version of Bill Gates, and I had that much money, I would donate millions to charity, so then it wouldn't be bad to buy a ten-grand purse.

WARDROBE!: I recently went on a mad splurge of cashmere sweaters. I bought tons of gorgeous colors and shapes. There is just basically a sea of cashmere in my closet. I have a good excuse, though: I'm allergic to wool! My wardrobe is pretty foolproof, really, because I have two closets to pull from at any given time: mine and Prue's. I love to shop, but when you are on a TV show and have so many clothes thrown at you - somehow it takes the thrill out of it.

SOLE GIRL: I have something like 235 pairs of shoes in there. They are all on display, rows and rows of them. I love to look at them. Right now, I'm trying to find this Sergio Rossi high black heel - the one with the strip of beads across the front - but I can't find it anywhere!

AND BY THE WAY: I am not going prematurely gray! The tabloids said that, but it's not true. It might look like one little gray hair grew on my head - but it actually was a blonde hair.

THE BIG NIGHT: People are going to be going crazy with this Y2K thing - so I plan to just hide out. On New Year's Eve, I will be wearing the bomb-shelter ensemble

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